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Thursday 27 October 2011


Now the software is the part of your computer which you actualy cannot touch. Bit lost? Well an example of software is this blog. You can see it but you cant touch it. Let me tell you about some other things about software.

Systems software--
System software is the software that helps run and organize your computers hardware.
It incudes common features like-
The operating system, Device drivers, File managers, Graphical User Interface (GUI), Command Line Interface (CLI), system utilities etc ...

Application Software--
Application software is used in conjunction with the operating system of a computer in order to do a specific task .
Common types of application software include things like office software, educational software, business & industrial software, communication software, games and specialist. (specialist includes things like speech recognition.)

Office Applications--
Office applications are.. well obviously they are applications which are mainly used in an office. They are the applications like-
Word Procesing- word processing is an application software which allows users to type up anything they want by using their keyboard. It can also be edited with colour, font sizes and images. It is also able to be printed.
Spreadsheets- Spreadsheets are a part of the software called excel. They are used to make lists of information and charts. You are able to use functions for calculations with Spreadsheets.
Games Software- Games software is the software which has the programming needed for games. It allows you to create and play games.

Communications software--

Communications software is an online software. It is the sotware like web browsers and emails.
Web browser is a communication software as with web browsing you are able to use social networking, online shopping etc.
Email is a communication software as you are able to communicate by messaging.

Software Utility--
The software utility is an application which will help you to analyse, configurite and optimize the main parts of your computer.

Clean up Tool--
There is also the clean up tool for your computer. It is used to remove files that are created when searching on the internet e.g. removes cookies, the history and much much more. Your clean up tools will remove data so that you can free up some more space, meaning your computer is faster.
It is importat to have this tool.

Thursday 20 October 2011

Hardware Components!

The central Proceesing Unit of the computer is the part of the computer which interprets and executes instructions. It is sort of like the brain of your computer.
The speed of the processor really does depend on its age. Newer models of processors have more advanced technolachy making them faster and stronger.
The speed can also depnd on how much data has been absorbed into the computer e.g. douments. This is because whenever you have a lot of files on your coomputer, it may take longer for all of them to be precessed and load up onto your computer.

The memory of the computer (also can be known as RAM- Random Access Memory) is your part of the computer which stores all of files. It holds all your documents, your internet browser, your games etc.

Your computer will come with a built in RAM enabling you to save all of your work but if you run out of room, you are then able to buy additional RAM packages from computer shops or online.
Just like the human mind, if you did not have memory on your computer, it would not be able to save any of your files for you to use at a later date. It is an extremely important part of the computer.

Devices for a Network Connection

You will need devices in order for you to get a network connection! Some of the devices are listen Below!

3G is the ‘3rd Generation’ technology for mobiles. It enhances internet speed that enables you to enjoy myriad features like video calling, faster audio and video streaming, quicker downloads, live TV and a superior social networking experience.

4G provides the additional advantages of data transfer. 4G uses superior software called High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA), whic

h allows users to send any kind of data, including graphics, audio and video content, many times faster than current 3G networks.

Bluetooth - Wireless--
Bluetooth is a specification for the use of low power communication tehnolachy which allows mobile phones, headsets, computers. etc to connect wirelessly. ( only over short distances)

Bluetooth was created and designed primarily to support small network connections of personnal consumer devices, including mobile phones and head sets. Bluetooth can usually work wirelessly for up to about 10 metres but some devices have a built in software which can increase the range by a few metres.

Network Interface Cards--
A network interface card (NIC) is a card inside the computer when connected to a modem via network cables enables the computer to connect to the internet. A network interface card (NIC) is a card inside the computer when connected to a modem via network cables enables the computer to connect to the internet. It can also be used to connect several computers to a network via a router.  People would more than likely to use this on Lan houses which is a place where allows people to go and acess to the internet. so instead of having so many routers they could just have the network interface card which would allow them to use one router for all the computers to give them all internet access.an also be used to connect several computers to a network via a router.  People would more than likely to use this on Lan houses which is a place where allows people to go and acess to the internet. so instead of having so many routers they could just have the network interface card which would allow them to use one router for all the computers to give them all internet access.


Friday 14 October 2011

Computer System Data Flow Diagram

Storage Devices

Yes so you now want to save all your information and documents? Well your going to need storage devices for your main storage, travelling and ofcourse backup :) lets take a peek at what we have..!

Hard Disk Drive-
So what is a hard disk drive? A hard disk drive is the main (usually the largest) data storage device for your computer. Most files in your computer will be saved in this e.g. documents, presentations, photos and images etc.
They can also be known as a HDD (abbreviation), hard drive, hard disk, fixed drive, fixed disk, fixed disk drive.

Memory Stick and/or Flash Drive-
Now you propuarly know what a Memory Stick is? It is a small device, which you are able to hold in e.g. your phone. Mainly used in phones in order to store more files like music.
A flash drive is mostly known for being called a USB stick.
 Mainly used by teachers and students in order to bring your work home or to a different class room. 
They can come in many different GB sizes like 2GB or 4GB. Extremially useful if going on a long journey and can store any type of file e.g. PNG, JPEG, Music, Movies etc.


A CD ROM is used to store Audio files e.g. songs. They used to be extremially popualr but have now strated becoming less and less common due to things like Mp3s and Ipods. Used mainly in cars now for people to listen to music while driving.


Thursday 13 October 2011

Output Devices

Output devices are extremially important :O Without them, you wouldnt be able to look at what your doing, hear any of the noises the computer is maing or .. well you get the point.. They Are Important!


A printer is basically a output device that prints out information from your computer when you request it. There is a few different types of Printers like the Dot Matrix and the Laser Printer.

Monitors are the part of the computer where you can actualy look at what you are doing. Without the monitor you wouldn't be able to check for mistakes or look at your work. It is one of the most important parts of the computer. They come in many different sizes and shapes.

A speaker is an output device which allows you to output sound through your computer. Sometimes they come built in to your computer and/or laptop but can also be bought seperately if you prefer to have surrond sound etc. Can be expensive but can also get cheap versions.

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Input Devices

You want to know about input devices? well ok then :)..

 The mouse is the part of the computer system which makes it possible to move the pointer. Without the mouse it would be impossible to open links, programs etc (unless touchpad).


A keyboard is used to add data into the computer system. It has 101 different keys :- Including numbers 0-9 and the nessacary function keys needed e.g. Enter and Space. There are different types of keyboards like an Intergated keyboard.

 A microphone can be used to inpout sound into the computer system. It can be used for chatting to friends and/or family or adding sound to programs. Mainly used for gaming and social networking e.g. skype.

A games controller or a joystick is also an input device. They are mainly used for online gaming with games consoles but can also be used on a computer for racing, shooting etc games.   

the original and proper name for a scanner is Image Scanner. it can be use to add objects, pages, word documents, pictures, images etc on to your computer by scanning them, hensh the name scanner.

Touch screen-
touch screen technology has become more and moer populsr over the past 10 years because it has become far er to use and has now started being included with music devices e.g. ipog and mobile phones.

Thursday 6 October 2011

Different types of Computers!

Personal Computer

You want to know the different Computer types? Take a look!! ..

PC and the Base unit- PC is short for personal computer. It is a general purpose computer, along with the size and storage capacity it is really good for a family computer or maybe even just an
 individual who needs a lot of room for their files. A PC using comes with software along the linies of word processer, a spreadhseet and a web browser. Just the basics. Now the Hardware that will come with a PC will be the Monitor, Keyboard and the Mouse. If your lucky you might even get a few speakers and a joystick.


Next up is the Laptop. it is basically a smaller version of the original PC but with a few small changes. A laptop is of course a portable personal computer. It is powered by a very strong battery so that you can use it when on the bus, train or .. well so that you can use it anywhere! It is usually fully charged in about 30 minutes and can last an extremely long time. Another difference would be that it usually has a built in touch pad. this is a change considering you would usually use a mouse on a PC. Its basically got the same software and hardware besides having the touch pad and possibly a few built in speakers. Newer  models even have a built in web so that you can chat to all your buddys online.


Netbook- No its not a laptop... its called a netbook. Its basically a really small laptop. They are extremely useful whenever you dont want to carry much weight, when you are tight for space on in your bag and just if you want to chat to friends. The handy thing with newbooks is that because they have only been available for a few years, you get all of the new software with all versions e.g windows 7, anti-virus software.



PDA is short for personal digital assissant. You might know them as a Palm top computer? A current PDA is able to connect to the internet through wi-fi or even a sim card. Seeing that the PDA has a sim card some of the newer versons are able to be used as mobile phones and because of new technolachy they also have touch screen. So basically, a new PDA is a touch screen mobile phone..when you think about it.

Mobile Phone

Mobile Phone - A mobile phone allows phone calls over radio waves. They include software like SMS messaging and games. Newer models of a mobile phone are able to access the internet. There is a number of different companys that create mobile phones and a number of different mobile networks. They are extremely popular with people between the ages of 13-19 (in other words.. teenagers go mad for them).

Ps3-Games Console

Games Console- An example of a games console is a PS3 or if you would prefer.. an xbox 360... but back to the PS3 :). It is an interactve entertainment computer. They are also known as a modified computer system. They are mainly used by 13-21 yearolds but can also appeal to the older generation due to high graphics games and fast internet connection. Able to join "Online Gaming".


A tablet is a complete mobile computer, which is usually much larger than a mobile or a PDA. Newer tablets have got a built in touch screen technolachy e.g. Ipad.  

Server- A server is used so that people can get connection to the internet. There are hundreds and hundreds of servers over the world, so that means you can connect to the internet nearly anywhere you go. Although you mght have an internet connection, the speed of it will depend on the area of the server.
