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Assignment 4

Assignment 4
Security Risks

Egos, a catalog sales company has asked me to evaluate their network for security threats and provide solutions.

As long as the company’s security is in this condition, all of the data stored within the company is in danger. With there being 50 different users on the system and no log on to the network, all of the data stored can be accessed by anyone and any time. This means that anybody could move, edit or even delete other peoples work e.g. important files.

All of the data stored is only backed up once a month. This is no where near enough. If you want all of the data to be saved and stored correctly then it should be backed up once a day (4 times a week at least).
Also, seeing that the data is only backed up once a month, the data tapes should all be stored in a safe and secure place. While they are in their current position, they are all in danger. The top of the server can get very hot, meaning that the plastic box could overheat, melt or even go on fire. This could ultimately mean destroying your data tapes, maybe even damaging or destroying your servers in the process.
While also having a high risk of fire due to the plastic box, there is a far higher chance of somebody stealing the data tapes as a plastic box is far easier to break into than say a metal safe. I recommend moving the data tapes to a different room e.g. a different floor in the building. They should also be placed inside a more secure box e.g. metal safe.

Security Issues

The major security issues would be things like email being open to everybody, no fire wall is in place along with the fact there is no restrictions on the internet and the entrance has no electronically controlled device.
To begin with the company should create a log in for each individual email address (along with a password). This will keep all employees email safe, insuring that nobody will be accessing another person’s address.

A restriction should be added so only certain websites can be viewed. A lot of unsecure websites can open a virus once you have entered it. Some websites can also be a major distraction to employees e.g. games.
Along with the restriction, a firewall should be put in place. This will help bock any viruses reaching any important files on your computer. It will also destroy the virus, meaning it can not multiply.

Lastly, the front entrance to the building and/or the workplace should have an electronically controlled device e.g. keypad. This will mean that only people who are have authorized access can enter this area. It will help avoid any unwanted visitors or thief’s entering the premises.

Poor Practice

The poor practice in Egos can have a major effect on the company.

In order to ensure no data is lost all information should be backed up every single day. This is to ensure that no employee loses their work and so that the business will be able to work safely.

The business should make a restriction on what the employees can and cant download due to some of the downloads not being related to their job. Egos should also ensure that downloads are monitored to ensure no extra files are being placed within the computer.

Egos should inform their staff to me more careful about whom they talk to about the company. They do not want rival companies knowing about their sales or ideas incase they attempt to steal and use them.

Potential issues surrounding the loss of hardware and Potential Damage To Company

With all staff being able to access any site they wish, they may also be opening up viruses onto their computer due to unprotected IP addresses etc.
Egos should but restrictions on the web pages their employees can view e.g. block any UN useful sites.  

Also with all staff being able to add and remove software, they could accidently delete an important file. This ability to add and remove hardware should only be available to the Technician.

With no security being set at the front doors, anybody could enter the building potentially causing damage, theft and loss of any and all equipment.
As I had said before, Egos should put a Security system in place.