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Friday 14 October 2011

Storage Devices

Yes so you now want to save all your information and documents? Well your going to need storage devices for your main storage, travelling and ofcourse backup :) lets take a peek at what we have..!

Hard Disk Drive-
So what is a hard disk drive? A hard disk drive is the main (usually the largest) data storage device for your computer. Most files in your computer will be saved in this e.g. documents, presentations, photos and images etc.
They can also be known as a HDD (abbreviation), hard drive, hard disk, fixed drive, fixed disk, fixed disk drive.

Memory Stick and/or Flash Drive-
Now you propuarly know what a Memory Stick is? It is a small device, which you are able to hold in e.g. your phone. Mainly used in phones in order to store more files like music.
A flash drive is mostly known for being called a USB stick.
 Mainly used by teachers and students in order to bring your work home or to a different class room. 
They can come in many different GB sizes like 2GB or 4GB. Extremially useful if going on a long journey and can store any type of file e.g. PNG, JPEG, Music, Movies etc.


A CD ROM is used to store Audio files e.g. songs. They used to be extremially popualr but have now strated becoming less and less common due to things like Mp3s and Ipods. Used mainly in cars now for people to listen to music while driving.


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